Author Archives: patrickluse

About patrickluse

Follower, Father, Husband, Leader, Minister, Reader

A Back to School Prayer

Today we offer a prayer of blessing for our students, families, & educators.

Kids we love you. We are excited to see how God uses you this year. We want to hear how much you learn, things you experience, and we want you to recognize how God works in your life.

Parents and caregivers we love you. We are excited to see how God uses you this year. We want to hear about what you learn, things your experience, and we want you to recognize how God works in your life.
While our children experience some of the anxiety that goes with transition, it’s nothing compared to the heart of a parent or caregiver. It has been said that when children go off to school, work, or new transitions in life,

“It’s like our heart leaves our body walks around the earth. All we want to do is bring it back to ourselves.”

The Father knows that feeling because He sent His son and all Jesus wanted to do was to bring us close to Himself.

We pray that we would learn what it means to be led by the Spirit, because the milestone of going back to school, for us, is primarily faith development. Today, We remind each other of the dedication of faith we made concerning our children. To lead them, guide them, and show them what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

Today we are reminded:THIS TASK IS NOT DONE ALONE, because faith development is – by the Spirit, through relationships. We join together and bless our children and families in this milestone.

Father, Your word tells us that a wise man will hear and increase learning and that a man of understanding will attain wise counsel. Lord, give our children teachers who can provide wise counsel and inspire them to search after learning. And when they have learned, give them understanding in how to apply what they know. Make them wise.

Father, help our children to understand that whatever work they do is not to please teachers or even to please their parents, but it is ultimately to please You, their Heavenly Father. They work for You and not for anyone else.

Lord, grant that parents may rest in the fact that Your grace is sufficient to carry them through whatever comes their way, especially when we mess up. When challenges arise that are too much for them, You are carrying them by Your great strength.

Jesus, when we compare ourselves to others, it is easy to focus on ways we don’t measure up instead of focusing on what You have made us to be. In those moments, remind us to focus on what is true, what is noble, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely. Lord, anything good or praiseworthy, help us to meditate on those things.



– Patrick Luse

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